Tatica1's Blog

Blog de Tatica

Juicing, where I found the best way to lose weight and feel good!

Since I came to Honduras, I began to earn a few kilos more. Since I’ve always been lean and this began to worry even more when I’m not good for diets.

One day after talking with my friend Jennifer, she told me that she had lost weight in an incredible way by juicing fruit & vegetable juices. She said: «I lost weight in a healthy way and I went from a size 16 to 12 in just 3 months by simply juicing and without going hungry or without depriving myself of things I like.» I did not believe all of this until my mom told me she had seen Jen and really she was very thin and healthy. My mother started juicing herself and is already starting to lose weight, so I decided to ask Jen how she did it.

Simply take a glass of juice extract of fresh vegetables plus fruit once a day. Jennifer, my mom and I do like breakfast, but if you want you can do at night for dinner. During the day we can eat whatever we want. It’s VERY important drink lots of water, at least 6 to 8 glasses in the day and to help add some fiber in the form of psyllium husk seed and/or flaxseed to really boost the weight loss. Also important not to eat anything before the juice because this may cause gas.

You can find all kinds of wonderful information on Juicing to lose weight on the internet. Type in things like “Juicing for weight loss” in your search engine. You will find wonderful recipes and nutritional information.

Does the juice taste good? They are delicious, you can put in whatever fruit you want and not really taste vegetable. Perhaps the less I liked the taste of cucumber personally, so I just add it once a week. Particularly I like to add half of a carrot every day, because the sweet taste of it with the others makes it a more tasty juice;). Also, I personally take my juice at 7:00 am and around 10:00 am I can have  anything else I want.

Now weekly I buy enough of cucumber, celery, carrots, peppers of all colors, broccoli, zucchini, tomatoes, beans, spinach, radish, sprouts, cabbage, beets, asparagus, pear, orange, pineapple, melon, watermelon, mango, papaya, orange, etc.. That depends on the taste of each and of achieving the same in every country, only put here these to give you an idea. Important give the chance to try everything, I assure you that the taste is not going to feel bad. In my case I can’t resist the paprika and I love putting it in my juices. Also important to note that in each vegetable juice it must be no more than one fruit.

Here a few examples of combinations that I have done:

1. A handful of spinach, a carrot, half a cucumber, a stalk of celery and an orange.

2. 8 stalks asparagus, a pear, a red pepper, and a beet.

3. A stalk of celery, ripe tomato, a medium carrot, a yellow pepper and a fuji apple.

4. Less than a quarter of purple lettuce, carrot, tomato, 8 beans and a mango.

There are MANY ways to combine these vegetable/fruit juices. Be sure to look up JUICING RECIPES online.

I recommend getting a good juicer, I use the case of Jack LaLanne’s, because it seems very powerful and seems to get the most juice from your fruit and vegetables.

Well that’s all, so drinking juices brings enormous energy and nutrient power we can rely on them to lose a few kilos. Have a Happy Juicing!! Now my friend Jennifer can see I wrote and follow about her advise.

Those who are more concerned about Juicing, let me know, I have some other mailing ideas;)

octubre 22, 2009 Posted by | Nutrición | 5 comentarios